The DPTO is meeting next week to vote in new officers for the 2009-2010 school year. A list of officer duties can be found on the lower left hand side of the DPTO blog.
We are also looking for volunteers to spearhead some of the school events (running the committees) for the upcoming year. At the present, we have a few chairs of events and will need a few more to lead and organize activities such as Teacher Appreciation Week, the Community Garage Sale and other very popular events. And of course we will need a diverse group of volunteers from the community to lend a hand in making the events a grand success for this coming year.
We are asking people to bring a dish, snack or drink. It would be a great way to meet other parents in the school, brainstorm fundraising and community building activities and strengthen the sense of spirit and camaraderie in our school.
Additionally, we are asking that you take some time to visit the blog listed about.
We are asking for suggestions for future DPTO events and activities. Please add your thoughts to the line below in the blog that says “Comments” before September 9th. Comments can be in Spanish or English.
El DPTO se reunirá la próxima semana para elegir a su nueva directiva para el año lectivo 2009-2010. La lista de las responsabilidades de cada puesto en la directiva puede encontrarse en el blog del DPTO (
También estamos buscando voluntarios para liderar ciertos eventos escolares para este año escolar (establecer estos comités). Actualmente contamos con algunos voluntarios para ciertos eventos, pero aun necesitamos mas voluntarios para organizar eventos como la Semana de Apreciación del Maestro, la Venta de Garaje, así como otros eventos que son muy populares en nuestra comunidad escolar. Y, por supuesto, necesitamos un grupo diverso de padres de familia para hacer de estos eventos un éxito este año escolar.
Para esta próxima reunión, estamos pidiendo a los padres traer algún bocadillo o bebida para compartir. Esta reunión nos da la oportunidad de conocer otros padres, compartir ideas de actividades para recaudar fondos y de actividades para estrechar lazos entre nuestra comunidad escolar, y fomentar así un sentimiento de camaradería y espíritu escolar.
Estamos pidiendo para sus sugerencias de actividades para este año escolar. Por favor escriba sus ideas (en ingles o español) en la sección titulada “Comments” (bajo en este blog) antes del 9 de septiembre.
Hi Everybody,
ReplyDeleteI’ll be coming tonight to discuss the yearbook and photo packages as a potential fundraiser for the DPTO. My thought is that as we will be taking the students photos for the yearbook anyway, we could offer parents photopackages. We could fit one 5X7, two 3.5 X 2.5 and four 2 X 2.5 on an 8 X 10 sheet. I estimate that we could offer the packages to parents for 150 lempiras and make a 135 lempira per package profit for the DPTO.
I can handle the layout and manage the printing.
Fabrizio Cross
Thanks Fabrizio. I think it's a great idea! Rochelle